Goodbye 2k15 Hello 2k16 ♥

2015, it has been a year that filled with ups and downs. It is a perfect time for me to get brutally honest with myself: about where I have been, where am I now; and where I want to go.

Looking back on 2015…

Q: What did I love about 2015?
A: Things I love during the year of 2015 were definitely those precious moments that I had created with my family and best friends especially during the summer break.

Q: What do you wish you had done that you didn’t accomplish?
A: The only regret even until today is that I made the worst decision for not coming back during the last winter break. I missed the chance of paying my last visit to my dearly grandma who left me a month after winter break. This is my biggest regret in my life and I blamed it all on myself. I wish I could come back, and thought that she could live longer. However, God knew the best, and I returned her back to the Lord.

Q: Do you like the choices you made in your romantic relationship? Career? Health? Friendships?
A: Urmm.. Basically I have not involved myself in a romantic relationship because I am quite choosy when comes to a relationship (a long-term relationship). I will just let the fade to bring me there once it is time to get into it. As for career, I still on my way of completing my Bachelor of degree in Psychology, and I am determined to work for it. In health, I guess I was way healthier in comparison to the past few years because I tried to eat healthier. As for friendship, this is partly my life. However, as I grew up, I found my true friends and I knew who took me for granted and who treasured me the most. I don’t need many friends; all I need is true friends. You know who you are.

Q: What was the most fun moment? The most painful moment?
A: The most fun moment I guess would be the Jakarta trip with the best friends as this was our first gateway with each other. The most painful moment was surely the lost of my grandma.

Q: What are you most grateful for?
I am grateful that I am given the golden opportunity to be independent in the US, and undoubtedly thankful for having great parents that financially and emotionally supporting me in whatever I am pursuing.

Q: How did your life change?
My life did not change much during this year, but I remained pessimistic and had lower self-esteem towards myself. I also enjoyed the feeling of being challenged by others in every circumstance because it really helped and motivated me to become a better person.

Q: What is the most important thing you learned about yourself?
A: I needed to be challenged in order to do well on my studies.

Looking forward to 2016…

Q: What do you most want in your life during the next year?
A: It is undoubtedly my completion of Bachelor degree.

Q: What experiences do you hope to have?
A: I hope to be able to intern or have a job that relates to what I am studying right now and able to earn some US dollars.

Q: What is your biggest priority? Where are you going to devote the majority of your energy and time to ?
A: My biggest priority is definitely my studies. Studies always come first. I promise to give my best in all the remaining classes and I will devote most of my time, effort and energy on it.

Q: What is one area of your life that you want to be different?
A: I hope to start my work life in the US.

Q: Where are your greatest opportunities for growth?

A: My greatest opportunity for growth will be the chance of starting of my work life. It is part of my life; I need to gain sufficient work experience before continuing my master degree.