Here it comes, back to blog since I feel tedium. Came to KL to future my studies in Taylor's University Lakeside Campus last Thursday. It was seriously horrifying and terrifying. Cried alone when I couldn't accept and face the factual :'( But after days to days, I'm getting better and use to it. Had my first ever class yesterday after so long of break, the class was just as normal which contains of people from all walks of life such as Russia,Korea, Combodia and etc. Meet new friends in class to 'survive'.Hehehe. And today is the public holiday for Wesak Day.NO CLASS!! But I'm too bored right now. So, time to think all my buddies :) Here it goes to describe some of them to spend my time XD
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Chin Ying This girl I've known her since Standard 5 when she transferred from another school. But we're not close to each other during primary school. After few years we didn't even keep in touch to each other because we're going to different school for secondary life ;) When in Form 3, I transferred to IJC, and I knew she was there studying but still we're not same in class. Till in Form 4, fate brought us together, we finally studied under one roof :DD As times flies, we are getting closer and closer to each other. We use to hang around when chances allow us. But right now, we are pursuing our own goal. Just hope we'll still keep in touch. Remember once we're friend, we are FOREVER friend. |
Felicia, the one I knew her in just a short time but still make me love her to the maximum. As everyone know, she is a friendly, amiable and hospitable person. Happy smiles always wear on her face and grinning all the time except sometimes. She is the one who always stretch out her hand and help me whenever I was in trouble. A great listener, in fact. Thank you so muchiee :) On the other hand, she is the one who makes my life goes more spectacular. All the vivid memories we ever had will always engrave on my mind. I hope to meet you as prompt as possible. IMY, babe!! Hope you happy all the way out there. Take care yo! :)
*Remember, we all stumble. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand.*
She is the one famous with her cuteness since I first saw her in Form 3. A happy-go-lucky girl who loves to laugh all the way when she is blissful! She is a sympathetic and warm-hearted person too! :)) Let's recall back, how I meet you. We just smiled to each other’s when we meet, till in Form 5,especially during exam, YOU are the one who always sit beside me, this makes our friendship gets closer and closer. You are the one who always asked me not to keep study and make you stress but you still did better than me. Naughty Cheryl!~Hahaha. Till then, wish you all the best in your future undertakings in MMU's life! Hwaiting!~ Don't forget ME ya!
"Every time I hold you I begin to understand, that everything about you tells me you're my best friend."
Huay Yuan
Okay, she is the one who is very sportive to people. My first impression towards her was ACTION but I was totally wrong with it!!Till when Form 4, she sit behind me and I can't remember what brings us together. We use to laugh study and enjoy ourselves in class. For me, you're a person that has a great personality. You're friendly enough to everyone doesn't matter you close to or ain't. And one thing I want to thank you is because you're the one that influenced me to work hard for ADD MATH!! You make me feel so stressful when I saw you're working so hard to solve the questions. And lastly I realize something got to be ashamed if I never do well. Hehehe. Thankiew for influencing me! :D Lastly, best of luck in everything you do ya!! Miss you lots!
-Side by side or miles apart, dear friends are always close to the heart.-
Ying Yu
This one the so called Genius!!Truly proud of her!! Gets close with her when form 5 life was ending soon :( She is a hardworking person that always finished up her homework and borrows us to 'Photostat' Wheee :) After SPM, we had lots of wonderful memories together. We used to go 'loitering' in MP & DP! HAHAHA. But still we enjoyed it~ The most memorable memory with her was during BBQ party in Cheryl's house last month!!Miss it so much! Anyway, hope we have a chance to meet again ya before you leave us to US!! Good luck to you. && Don't forget to keep in touch when you find a new environment in oversea!
"Fate chooses our relatives, we choose our friends."
Fahaha~ this girl looks adorable with the pair of dimples!! I guess I know her through Feli. She looks quiet actually before I know her deeply. Seriously, don't judge a book by its cover! * Doesn't means she is noisy all the way* Hehehe. Still remember she used to ask me to teach her solve Math and Add Math questions frequently. But still I did my best to help her. After that, we still keep in touch with each other. She likes to learn Chinese and maybe she looks more like a Chinese.hahaha..Well, as I know, I think she loves the word 'huai dan' so much. Am I right, Faha? XD Not forgets till then, A bowler yo! I can even saw her face turned up on tv! * Can you imagine how pro she is* I think I've to pen off now, so wish you the best in MMU for accounting ya! Miss ya! :)
-I always felt that the great high privilege, relief, and comfort of friendship were that one had to explain nothing.-
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