Hey guys, I am
back again. While I am not in the mood of doing anything right now, I choose to
update my blog with the 22nd birthday celebration.
birthday celebration was a blast! I always have two days of celebrating
birthday ever since I came to US, due to the time differences. I first
encountered the birthday feels when I received birthday wishes from the loves
one through different social platforms. Thank you for your birthday shout outs.
In total, I received 9 birthday posts with my funny, ugly, nice and
unbelievable faces on it. I received and read every single word of your post,
and it really meant a lot to me. I am blessed.
The next day,
which was the 25th of September in SF, everything is planned and I
didn’t really get surprise for celebrating it. I had no class on Friday, so it
was a FREE day for me. I started off the day by having a long-awaited brunch
with the friend I always stick around with, Wey Sin. After that, we actually
went to Lombard Street to take some pictures. Although I went there when I
first came to SF, it was still a tourist place where I would want to pay a visit due to the crookedness of the street.
After spending
few hours taking pictures and enjoying the picturesque views of San Francisco,
we then headed to Fisherman Wharf for my birthday dinner at The Franciscan Crab
Restaurant. We meet up with Ying Yu, Alberto, Qlin and Peerapan for that
dinner. It was a seafood feast. After enjoying the dinner, I actually had the
feeling of the appearance of birthday cake pops out suddenly. My sense worked
well on that night, and a birthday cake appeared in front of me. Thank you for
the birthday song, birthday treat and most importantly the presence of you in
lighting up the night of 25.09.2015. I am officially 22nd.
I am thankful
for having them by my side just like a family in SF. Without them; I guess it’s
definitely hard for me to ‘survive’ in SF. Thank you.
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