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Back here again, with different kinds of feeling while updating my lovely blog. Okay actually today is just Thursday but for me it is just like Friday because I finally went through this week. This week is just too horrible for me. Every day filled with tests and presentation. The time when you done with classes, totally feeling so exhausted but still need to study for test. Ohmygod. Salute myself actually, how I gone through it.  Actually, I seriously didn’t do well on all of it. I had my Malaysian Studies presentation on Tuesday but one hour before presentation only I looked through it. How dare am I? :O Is okay I just crapped it like nobody listening to me. Hehe and so for Chemistry test; this is seriously killing me to dead. I only know 20% out of the questions. Get panic when looking at those questions. Freaking hard :( Really gone case! Hmm lastly, music test! Another killing paper! Even though are only 10 questions but still is enough challenging. Imagine you got to remember 58songs without lyrics and the song’s composer and name. Oh noooo. No more mannnn -.- For now, I just want to rest properly, if not I will fall sick very very soon. Don’t have a proper rest the whole week. So, good night peeps! Heading back to my home sweet home tomorrow! #happy 

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